I have worked closely with Hilda Yarker on a number of public engagement and participation programmes in both my current and previous role (as National Director of Patient and Public Voice and Insight at NHS England). During my time at NHS England, Hilda was the nominated CSU lead across the north of England on the programme to develop commissioner capability on both public engagement/participation and person-centred care (a programme at the time known as “Patients in Control”).
She was both a knowledgeable and passionate advocate of public engagement. She is extremely well networked across her region and nationally, and has very close and strong working relations with the national policy team at NHS England, and other key stakeholders – for example in the Voluntary/Community sector. She has maintained and developed those links and is fully conversant with national policy, best practice guidance and legal duties around public participation and consultation, including duties under the Equalities Act.
Hilda had a proven track record in delivering programmes of public engagement support. She has worked with me in my current role in Tameside to develop the strategy and plans for public engagement in the development of the integrated model of care. These plans have now been approved by the Programme Board and are being implemented.
Giles Wilmore, Director of Strategy and Partnerships,
Tameside & Glossop NHS Foundation Trust
Giles Wilmore, Director of Strategy and Partnerships,
Tameside & Glossop NHS Foundation Trust
I have worked closely with Hilda Yarker on a number of public engagement and participation programmes in both my current and previous role (as National Director of Patient and Public Voice and Insight at NHS England). During my time at NHS England, Hilda was the nominated CSU lead across the north of England on the programme to develop commissioner capability on both public engagement/participation and person-centred care (a programme at the time known as “Patients in Control”). She was both a knowledgeable and passionate advocate of public engagement. She is extremely well networked across her region and nationally, and has very close and strong working relations with the national policy team at NHS England, and other key stakeholders – for example in the Voluntary/Community sector. She has maintained and developed those links and is fully conversant with national policy, best practice guidance and legal duties around public participation and consultation, including duties under the Equalities Act. Hilda had a proven track record in delivering programmes of public engagement support. She has worked with me in my current role in Tameside to develop the strategy and plans for public engagement in the development of the integrated model of care. These plans have now been approved by the Programme Board and are being implemented.