Case Studies


Commissioned by the Programme Manager on behalf of the Programme Board to begin the initial process of drafting a communications and engagement strategy which would support the programme in its earliest stages. Design of all graphics for the Improving me brand and undertaking market testing in a variety of maternity units across Cheshire and Merseyside.


  • Initial strategy written and approved.
  • Branding and design for Improving me.
  • Branding guidelines produced.
  • Website designed and developed.
  • Successful launch event for all key stakeholders, organised and managed.
  • Design of all communication materials.


Tameside and Glossop Trust had been placed into special measures following the Keogh Review in 2014. Monitor had commissioned PwC to undertake a comprehensive review across the whole health economy and present recommended solutions. The Contingency Planning Team report was published in July 2015 and the Care Together Programme was agreed across the health economy. The vision was for a ‘single commissioning function’ and a single ‘Integrated Care Organisation’. A Communication, Participation and Engagement Strategy was written for the Care Together Programme on behalf of Tameside and Glossop NHS Foundation Trust.


  • Strategy agreed by the Programme Board and now being implemented.
  • Commission of Equality Analysis to ensure adherence to Equality Duty.


A full review of the diabetic retinopathy service in north east Manchester was required as a result of a serious incident which required immediate action. The services were commissioned from Pennine Acute NHS Foundation Trust. A local Action Group had been formed due to changes being implemented without adherence to statutory duties, immediate remedial action by NHS England was necessary.


  • Robust engagement exercise undertaken.
  • Response rate 7% of patient population (1,800).
  • Full adherence to statutory duties.
  • Welcomed outcome for patients.
  • Action group collaborated during the process.
  • Improved services for patients


NHS England Directorate for Patient and Public Voice – National Programme ‘Patients in Control’ NHS England published national guidance for all NHS Commissioners entitled ‘Transforming Participation in Health and Care’ in September 2014. Following which a funding opportunity was offered to all Commissioning Support Units to submit bids for funding for 2 separate elements of the guidance – ‘individual’ and ‘collective’ participation. Hilda Yarker and Helen Kavanagh were successful in being awarded significant funding to deliver the ‘individual’ element of the programme, across the north of England to 68 CCGs and 9 Area Teams.


  • Identification of innovation in digital engagement technologies to support patients to self-manage their long term conditions.
  • Publication of ‘How to engage people in their own health and care’.
  • Development of a Personalisation Plan for a CCG in the North West.
  • Extensive engagement across a wide variety of communities in the north of England.
  • 6 major events held across the north of England.


To ensure the successful undertaking of an engagement exercise with the patient population of a GP practice in Maghull.  NHS England Cheshire & Merseyside commissioners had little option but to relocate patients to new premises as a result of the current premise owners requiring the building back for their own use.  A full engagement exercise was carried out on behalf of NHSE commissioners ensuring full compliance to all statutory duties and minimising any risk of reputational damage.


  • All patients were engaged directly by postal communication.
  • A variety of feedback mechanisms were established and managed during the process.
  • A full summary report of findings was presented to NHSE commissioners with suggested recommendations and next steps.
  • Patients due to move in November 2016.


NHS England (Cheshire and Merseyside) Primary Care Commissioning Team has worked with H2A on a number of primary care projects which have required statutory patient engagement and consultation.  We have found the team at H2A to be highly professional, responsive and flexible.  Their extensive knowledge of NHS systems and processes has been a distinct advantage in terms of them being able to hit the ground running with immediate effect.

They have supported the primary care team in terms of strategic leadership around patient and public engagement and provided much needed operational support during project delivery.  The team have a thorough knowledge of the legislation pertaining to patient and public engagement, they have supported our projects ensuring full adherence to good practice within the boundaries of our legal duties.  They offer a quality service and I have no hesitation in providing them with a client recommendation.

Alan Cummings, Senior Commissioning Manager,
NHS England (Cheshire and Merseyside)


Alan Cummings, Senior Commissioning Manager,
NHS England (Cheshire and Merseyside)

NHS England (Cheshire and Merseyside) Primary Care Commissioning Team has worked with H2A on a number of primary care projects which have required statutory patient engagement and consultation.  We have found the team at H2A to be highly professional, responsive and flexible.  Their extensive knowledge of NHS systems and processes has been a distinct advantage in terms of them being able to hit the ground running with immediate effect. They have supported the primary care team in terms of strategic leadership around patient and public engagement and provided much needed operational support during project delivery.  The team have a thorough knowledge of the legislation pertaining to patient and public engagement, they have supported our projects ensuring full adherence to good practice within the boundaries of our legal duties.  They offer a quality service and I have no hesitation in providing them with a client recommendation.
I have worked closely with Hilda Yarker on a number of public engagement and participation programmes in both my current and previous role (as National Director of Patient and Public Voice and Insight at NHS England).  During my time at NHS England, Hilda was the nominated CSU lead across the north of England on the programme to develop commissioner capability on both public engagement/participation and person-centred care (a programme at the time known as “Patients in Control”).

She was both a knowledgeable and passionate advocate of public engagement.  She is extremely well networked across her region and nationally, and has very close and strong working relations with the national policy team at NHS England, and other key stakeholders – for example in the Voluntary/Community sector.  She has maintained and developed those links and is fully conversant with national policy, best practice guidance and legal duties around public participation and consultation, including duties under the Equalities Act.

Hilda had a proven track record in delivering programmes of public engagement support. She has worked with me in my current role in Tameside to develop the strategy and plans for public engagement in the development of the integrated model of care. These plans have now been approved by the Programme Board and are being implemented.

Giles Wilmore, Director of Strategy and Partnerships,
Tameside & Glossop NHS Foundation Trust


Giles Wilmore, Director of Strategy and Partnerships,
Tameside & Glossop NHS Foundation Trust

I have worked closely with Hilda Yarker on a number of public engagement and participation programmes in both my current and previous role (as National Director of Patient and Public Voice and Insight at NHS England).  During my time at NHS England, Hilda was the nominated CSU lead across the north of England on the programme to develop commissioner capability on both public engagement/participation and person-centred care (a programme at the time known as “Patients in Control”). She was both a knowledgeable and passionate advocate of public engagement.  She is extremely well networked across her region and nationally, and has very close and strong working relations with the national policy team at NHS England, and other key stakeholders – for example in the Voluntary/Community sector.  She has maintained and developed those links and is fully conversant with national policy, best practice guidance and legal duties around public participation and consultation, including duties under the Equalities Act. Hilda had a proven track record in delivering programmes of public engagement support. She has worked with me in my current role in Tameside to develop the strategy and plans for public engagement in the development of the integrated model of care. These plans have now been approved by the Programme Board and are being implemented.
This is to confirm that Hilda Yarker and her team were commissioned to strategically lead, advise and provide operational support to a Diabetic Eye Screening Communications and Engagement programme between Feb -October 2015, by the Direct Commissioning Team of NHS England Greater Manchester and Lancashire.

Hilda led and guided our team through a complex process, using her knowledge of the legal system and her wealth of experience to assist with a particular vocal action group of diabetic patients who she helped bring with us on the journey and indeed they assisted in the process.  She ensured that all statutory duties were adhered to and embraced in the process which was a comprehensive and robust patient centered piece of engagement, fully supported by all groups and organisations and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her work to any interested parties

Audrey Howarth, Public Health Screening Manager,
NHS England Greater Manchester and Lancashire


Audrey Howarth, Public Health Screening Manager,
NHS England Greater Manchester and Lancashire

This is to confirm that Hilda Yarker and her team were commissioned to strategically lead, advise and provide operational support to a Diabetic Eye Screening Communications and Engagement programme between Feb -October 2015, by the Direct Commissioning Team of NHS England Greater Manchester and Lancashire. Hilda led and guided our team through a complex process, using her knowledge of the legal system and her wealth of experience to assist with a particular vocal action group of diabetic patients who she helped bring with us on the journey and indeed they assisted in the process.  She ensured that all statutory duties were adhered to and embraced in the process which was a comprehensive and robust patient centered piece of engagement, fully supported by all groups and organisations and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her work to any interested parties
Hilda is a highly experienced NHS communications and engagement expert who ensures that patients and the public are at the heart of all she does. She understands the importance of the NHS' duty to consult and engage and utilises innovative ways to ensure this happens. She has worked in a wide-range of NHS settings including primary and secondary care. Hilda's drive, determination and excellent people skills make her an obvious choice for any NHS engagement work.

Karen Goodhind, Head of Communications and Engagement
NHS Tameside & Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group


Karen Goodhind, Head of Communications and Engagement
NHS Tameside & Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group

Hilda is a highly experienced NHS communications and engagement expert who ensures that patients and the public are at the heart of all she does. She understands the importance of the NHS' duty to consult and engage and utilises innovative ways to ensure this happens. She has worked in a wide-range of NHS settings including primary and secondary care. Hilda's drive, determination and excellent people skills make her an obvious choice for any NHS engagement work.
“Amy (Yarker) has been involved with FDisruptors right from the start and we could not be more grateful for the input and the influence she has had during that time. For four months I trained and supported ten young women aged 13-17 and hoped to instil confidence and self belief in them so that they would be open to a career in tech. Part of that process involved bringing in role models within the tech arena to inspire and encourage the girls - Amy was one of those wonderful role models and it had a huge impact. Whenever the girls have done big presentations over the past four months they have used some examples of women who have inspired them - and Amy is on their presentation as one of those women. They chose her for her bravery and determination and her profile has now been delivered across the UK to businesses in the North East, to senior managers and employees within Unilever and across their global community. They speak about her with passion and warmth as someone who has inspired them to be themselves - because they think that is something really special. Amy is now one of our founding Ambassadors and she embodies what technology is going to look in the future. Strong, determined, passionate young women standing shoulder to shoulder creating a shared ambition for each others success.”

Debbie Edwards, CEO FDisruptors


Debbie Edwards, CEO FDisruptors

“Amy (Yarker) has been involved with FDisruptors right from the start and we could not be more grateful for the input and the influence she has had during that time. For four months I trained and supported ten young women aged 13-17 and hoped to instil confidence and self belief in them so that they would be open to a career in tech. Part of that process involved bringing in role models within the tech arena to inspire and encourage the girls - Amy was one of those wonderful role models and it had a huge impact. Whenever the girls have done big presentations over the past four months they have used some examples of women who have inspired them - and Amy is on their presentation as one of those women. They chose her for her bravery and determination and her profile has now been delivered across the UK to businesses in the North East, to senior managers and employees within Unilever and across their global community. They speak about her with passion and warmth as someone who has inspired them to be themselves - because they think that is something really special. Amy is now one of our founding Ambassadors and she embodies what technology is going to look in the future. Strong, determined, passionate young women standing shoulder to shoulder creating a shared ambition for each others success.”


At H2A we provide a solution focussed approach to transformational change delivered with integrity, transparency and reliability.  We offer a valued service in patient and public engagement, citizen empowerment, campaign development and management, all aspects of communications and disruptive organisational development.

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